I am a medical student, aspiring OB/GYN, writer, and creator of my blog & podcast,
Equity Practice
Despite our vow to do no harm, there are still many ways medicine is systematically causing harm to a lot of folks. I am exploring what we can do to change that and sharing my notes as I go.
My journey in reproductive healthcare started as a volunteer doula for refugees in Atlanta, GA. As I supported and advocated for my clients, I saw the health disparities I was reading about come to life before my eyes. It was then that I wanted to learn more about why health disparities occur and what we can all do to improve health outcomes for marginalized populations.
My first experience in advocacy was as the Student Government Officer of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. From there, my work branched out to writing a manual on teaching health disparities in medicine and starting a blog about what I was learning.
From there, I have continued to explore what health equity looks like in healthcare and health tech. I love meeting like-minded individuals online or on Zoom. If you want to connect, don’t hesitate to reach out!