We are a product of what we practice.

We can only practice that which we know.

I’m currently reading:

Embodied Activism by Rae Johnson, PhD- A radically different approach to social and environmental justice work for fans of adrienne maree brown and Bessel van der Kolk

Instead of thinking about social justice as a process that starts with changing people's minds,
Embodied Activism understands our bodies--how we feel in them and relate to others through them--as the sites of transformation

Much of what I have set out to learn here is the information that is too often left out of medical school curricula. I’m prioritizing books where I can answer the following questions:

How does history lead to the health disparities that we see today?

How does the healthcare system work?

What is systematic oppression and who is affected by it?

What can we do about the inequities that exist in healthcare?

What I have read so far: